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Sand-throwing equipment in the body of any dump truck. Sand-throwing equipment in the body of any dump truck.
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Sand-throwing equipment in the body of any dump truck. We can produce on any dump truck. Any body volume. Prices are much lower than European counterparts
Sandblasting equipment for the chassis of any truck Sandblasting equipment for the chassis of any truck
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Sandblasting equipment for the chassis of any truck. We can produce on any truck. Prices are much lower than European counterparts
Autonomous rotary snow plows on the truck Autonomous rotary snow plows on the truck
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Autonomous rotary snow plows on the truck. We can produce on any truck. Prices are much lower than European counterparts
Brush road average on any truck Brush road average on any truck
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Brush road average on any truck. Very cheap
Watering equipment for any dump truck Watering equipment for any dump truck
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Watering equipment for any dump truck. Prices are lower than European counterparts
Watering equipment for any dump truck Watering equipment for any dump truck
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Watering equipment for any dump truck. Prices are lower than European counterparts
Blade for snow removal on any truck Blade for snow removal on any truck
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Blade for snow removal on any truck. Prices are lower than European counterparts.
Blade speed on any truck Blade speed on any truck
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Blade speed for snow on any truck. Prices are lower than European counterparts
Rotary blade OP-3400 on the truck (powerful increased to 3,4m blades) Rotary blade OP-3400 on the truck (powerful increased to 3,4m blades)
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Rotary blade OP-3400 on the truck (powerful increased to 3,4m blades). We can produce on any truck. Prices are lower than European counterparts
Sand-throwing equipment in the body of the dump truck Sand-throwing equipment in the body of the dump truck
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Sand-throwing equipment in the body of the dump truck. We can make on any truck. Prices are much lower than European counterparts. Volume of hopper by order.
Most versatile Combined road machines on the basis of DAEWOO truck (4x4, 6x4) Most versatile Combined road machines on the basis of DAEWOO truck (4x4, 6x4)
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Most versatile Combined road machines on the basis of DAEWOO truck (4x4)
Machine for the distribution of liquid chemicals on the basis of a dump truck KAMAZ-65115 Machine for the distribution of liquid chemicals on the basis of a dump truck KAMAZ-65115
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Machine for the distribution of liquid chemicals on the basis of a dump truck KAMAZ-65115. We can make on any dump truck. Prices are much lower than European counterparts
Гусеничный бульдозер komatsu D85A-21 Гусеничный бульдозер komatsu D85A-21
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Бульдозер Komatsu D85A-21 обладает максимальной производительностью и экономичностью. Встроенная система трубопроводов перекоса отвала предупреждает повреждения от скальных пород и грунта.
1 300 р.
Полуприцеп-цистерна для воды 14 м. куб. Бочка пожарная с мотопомпой
Полуприцеп-цистерна для воды 6 м. куб. Бочка пожарная с мотопомпой
Испытание барьерных ограждений на полигоне в МО Испытание барьерных ограждений на полигоне в МО
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Испытание барьерных ограждений на полигоне в МО для получения сертификата соответствия ТР ТС 014/2011
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