Деловая сеть Тюмень
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Товары и услуги:7 352
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Brush road average on any truck
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Brush road average on any truck Brush road average on any truck. Very cheap

IMPLEMENTS 3 types of brush equipment:

Brush any brand


1) BRUSH FRONT ROAD - The price is given





· Disc diameter - 120 x 550 mm

· The length of the  brush equipment  - 2380 mm

· Drive - hydraulic

· Weight - 140 kg.


· Spacers

· Polypropylene wheels

· Lifting cylinder  brushes

· MS motor (made in Bulgaria)

· bracket

· Mounting with clips - 2 pcs.

· Bump ( technical plate )

· Roller  brushes

· Frame with protection



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Другие товары и услуги компании:

Blade for snow removal on any truck Blade for snow removal on any truck
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Blade for snow removal on any truck. Prices are lower than European counterparts.
Blade speed on any truck Blade speed on any truck
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Blade speed for snow on any truck. Prices are lower than European counterparts
Sandblasting equipment for the chassis of any truck Sandblasting equipment for the chassis of any truck
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Ice cleaver on any truck (ice pick). We can put on any dump truck.
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Sand-throwing equipment in the body of the dump truck Sand-throwing equipment in the body of the dump truck
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Sand-throwing equipment in the body of the dump truck. We can make on any truck. Prices are much lower than European counterparts. Volume of hopper by order.

Товары и услуги других компаний:

Фрезерно-роторный снегоочиститель UM-Truck SR (Шнекоротор с автономным двигателем)
Информация о продавце
  • +7 (3452) 58-74-94
  • г. Тюмень, ул. Одесская, д 7 (территория Приборостроительного завода)
ООО ТПК "ТюменьГлавСнаб" занимается производством навеснго оборудования на трактора К-700, МТЗ