Компании: | 6 455 |
Товары и услуги: | 7 352 |
Статьи и публикации: | 547 |
Тендеры и вакансии: | 110 |
Combined road machines on DAEWOO 4x4 BASE (Korea)
Also available in the DAEWOO truck complete with the following equipment:
Tipper DAEWOO complete with rotary snow plows
DAEWOO Tipper with Peskorazbrasyvayuschie equipment
Tipper DAEOO complete with pit remontorom - PATCHER
Tipper DAEOO complete co Ice Cleaver
Tipper DAEOO complete with brush for cleaning barrier fencing (blonde)
Tipper DAEOO complete with installation snegoplavilnye
Tipper DAEOO complete with front mower
Tipper DAEOO complete with a rack watering equipment and high pressure
Tipper DAEOO complete with front angledozers
Tipper DAEOO complete with a crane and a front brush
Tipper DAEOO complete with brush equipment with hopper and chute brush
Tipper DAEOO complete with brush equipment for cleaning of tunnels